ProjectWise Explorer Help

To Manage Group and User List Ownership

  1. Open the User / Group Management dialog. (Tools > User Management)
  2. To manage group ownership:
    1. Expand All Groups, then select a group from the list.
    2. Set Display Type to Members.

      Current owners of this group have a star icon next to their name.

    3. To make a user or user list an owner of the selected group, right-click the user or user list from either the Available list or the Assigned list, then select Set Owner.

    4. To remove a user's or user list's ownership of the selected group, right-click any owner from either the Available list or the Assigned list, then select Remove Owner.
  3. To manage user list ownership:
    1. Expand All User Lists, then select a user list from the list.
    2. Set Display Type to Members.

      Current owners of this user list have a star icon next to their name.

    3. To make a user or user list an owner of the selected user list, right-click the user or user list from either the Available list or the Assigned list, then select Set Owner.
    4. To remove a user's or user list's ownership of the selected group, right-click any owner from either the Available list or the Assigned list, then select Remove Owner.
  4. When finished making changes, click OK.
    Note: If you were not able to make one of the selected users an owner of the group or user list, it is probably because that user's user setting Administrative > Enable group and user list ownership is not turned on. This is an administrative user setting and can only be turned on or off by your administrator in ProjectWise Administrator.